Public Repository

This is Public Repository for the research "Harmonizing DevOps Taxonomies: A Grounded Theory Study"

See Paper


This work presents empirical research on the structure of DevOps teams in software-producing organizations.

Harmonizing DevOps

The goal is to better understand the organizational structure and characteristics of teams adopting DevOps by harmonizing the existing knowledge.

Grounded Theory

We conducted a Grounded Theory study by analyzing existing studies on DevOps teams and taxonomies.

Our Methodology

We applied a novel GT process that extends the Charmaz's GT variant to allow multiple researchers to participate in the coding process, that is, collaborative coding. This GT process ensures consensus on the constructs that support the theory, thus improving the rigor of qualitative research (cf. here). To this end, we analyze the intercoder agreement (ICA) to measure the extent to which different raters assign the same precise value (code or category) for each item rated (qualitative data item or quotations).
The GT process is composed by the following stages: initial/open coding, selection of core categories, selective coding, sorting, theoretical coding, and theory writing (see Figure 1). The outputs of these phases are the coding, the memos, the categories, and the resulting theory, all managed through the tool Atlas.ti v9.
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Figure 1. Process for using ICA in GT studies. Part 2: Key stages and artifacts.

Study Conduction - files

The main outputs of this process, in addition to the theory described in the paper, are the codebook and the disagreements diary, which have been refined and improved in the iterations 1 to 5 as follows.

Codebook disagreements diary


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Jessica Díaz

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Jorge Pérez

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Isaque Alves

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Fabio Kon

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Paulo Meirelles

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Leonardo Leite

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Carla Rocha

Questions & Comments

Please contact yesica.diaz(AT) in case of questions.
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